Homework Assignment Student Name: Print out the assignment sheet, check the exercises that you worked on, write down the time that you worked on the exercises. Return the filled out assignment sheet during the next lecture. Write down any questions that come to your mind. Try to answer them yourself, ask colleagues, ... Post your questions and answers on the course's forum. Bring the interesting questions with you at the next course day and start a discussion about them. 1. JMeter (time taken: ) a. Setup JMeter Download JMeter (e.g., jakarta-jmeter-2.0.1_bin.zip) from the Java Apache Project web site (http://jakarta.apache.org) and install it by extracting the zip-file. (See also: Documentation - User Manual - 2.3 Installation.) b. Creating and running tests Create and run a test for a Web page: Follow the description in the JMeter User Manual, section 3 and 5 Building a Web Test Plan. Run the test with the settings given in the example, (5 users) x (2 requests) x (repeat 2 times) = 20 HTTP requests. c. Analyzing results Add following listeners to your test: Graph Results, View Results Tree, Aggregate Report, and View Results in Table. Compare the visualization they provide - which is the most useful. (See also: 15.3 Listeners in the User Manual.) 2. Bugzilla (time taken: ) a. Go to the Bugzilla experimental server at https://testlva.scch.at and create an account by clicking on the link "create account". b. Surf the WWW and find bugs and pages of low quality. First, ask yourself, what you consider good/bad quality and what should count as bug, e.g., pages that fail in terms of functionality, usability, robustness, performance, security, etc. Check your favorite sites for such bugs ... c. Report one of the bugs you found into the Bugzilla bug tracking system. Provide a concise summary line, the URL of the page you found the bug, a detailed description and the steps to reproduce it; estimate the severity of the bug according to Bugzilla's rating schema. Add a screenshot and upload it as attachment. 3. Quiz (time taken: ) There is a logical relation between the letters and numbers. Which letter replaces the question mark? 15 6 12 21 F ? P L J D H N 9 3 24 18